helloo world,
well blog readers? haha
i'm ali kvidt and photography is my passion. i'm typically really random, art and photography are the ways i like to create the wildness that goes on in my head for the world to see. i'm 18 years old, and i have 18 days left of highschool.. i will be attending the Art Institute International of Minnesota starting July 6th. lets just say i'm more than pumped to be starting my college life doing something i truely love.
when i first started photography i was using a point and shoot camera that had a screen that was broken. i couldn't see the picture i was taking and i was shooting on chance. when my point and shoot camera finally gave out on me, i started using my blackberry phone that i had at the time. ofcourse, at this point i wasn't looking at photography as my life time carrier, matter of fact i was wanting to become a fashion stylist. it wasn't until i made a page on Facebook of my work and started to get responses on my photography more than my styles that i had become intrested in photography. sure i was taking pictures with a broken camera, and phone but it still didn't minimize my talents. i then save up enough money to buy a camera that wasn't a DSLR, i didn't even know what a DSLR was, but still having a camera to get me started was all i needed, i truly didn't think that i need the newest equipment to enjoy my passion. i still believe that to this day.. anyways! about 5 months ago i purchased my first DSLR canon camera, and i have had the advantage of having an amazingly talented brother who was willing to teach me how to use this "foreign" camera to me.. matter of fact now that i mentioned my brother, Micah Kvidt, i need to give a huge shout out to him, because if it wasn't for him and his talents i don't know where i would be today, his willingness to help me has seriously shifted my life into a complete 180.
moving on, for the past 5 months i've been teaching myself CS5 photo shop, trying to get my name out there, and shooting every chance i've got, and i'm proud of myself for how far i've gotten.
what i enjoy most about photography is knowing that i can wake up every morning doing something completely different yet so similar to me.. fashion photography has been my main focus, and i've been introduced to couples, seniors, events, concepts, and many other fields of photography. i will be assisting my brother at my very first wedding here in a few weeks.. so, with that being said i feel like i've really gotten a huge perspective on photography this past year.. yes, i have so much more to experience and i'm glad to say that i'm not rushing. i'm glad to say i won't need a suit to go to work everyday, and i'm glad to say that i'm strong enough to go into the field of photography which is a 50/50 field when you think about it. not everyone is going to like your stuff, and not everyone will be happy with the way you do something, but the joys of doing something you love and having that other 1/2 out there that does like your work and knowing that you like your work for yourself is one of the biggest accomplishments i've ever made in my 18 years.
there is so much to me that not alot of people know, the experiences i've encountered, and my past that i hold so tightly onto. but i hope that through my work people can learn about me, and with my words be inspired to live a life that is worth living...
if you read this entire post, props to you, because i tend to ramble on and on and get side tracked.. but, for now i'd like to post a few of my favorite pieces of work of mine, and hope that you enjoy, and check out my photography page www.facebook.com/alikvidtphotography